Tuesday 11 February 2020

Rapid Fire Book Tag

Was tagged by El over on inkandplasma you can see her post here. Originally done over on YouTube by GirlReading you can see her video here.

- E-Book or Physical Book? Physical, I like the feel & smell of an actual book. Though I like the convenience of a Kindle when it's bedtime & it's lights out.

- Paperback or Hardback? Has to be hardback, more robust especially when in my rucksack or when my 2 children decide to purge my bookcases lol.

- Online or In-Store Book Shopping? Online. I like going into bookstores for the smell & to look at the books if I'm passing, but love the convenience of getting my books delivered & being able to shop in my pyjamas late at night.

- Trilogies or Series? Series as long as it's relevant & their not just drawing the story out. Like series that have 20+ books are a big turn off for me, unless it can then be split down to different seasons if you know what I mean?

- Heroes or Villains? I'd say anti-hero I don't necessarily like the good or the bad guys but the characters that are in that grey area in-between.

- A book you want everyone to read? Wonder by R J Palacio. Everyone needs to read & take something away from it, mainly not to judge people by their looks.

- Recommend an underrated book? Empress of a Thousand Skies by Rhoda Belleza.

- The last book you finished? Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.

- The Last Book You Bought? The Elite by Kiera Cass.

- Weirdest Thing You've Used as a Bookmark? Haven't a clue only thing I can think of the now is my over the head headphones but could have used something weirder that I just can't remember.

- Used Books: Yes or No? Yes, as long as there's no pages missing.

- Top Three Favourite Genres? Fantasy, Thriller & Sci-fi.

- Borrow or Buy? I buy my books, mainly from subscription boxes & charity shops. But if anyone recommends me a book & lets me borrow them then I borrow them.

- Characters or Plot? If the characters are really good but there's no plot or vice versa then I can deal with that. However if the characters are not the greatest & there's no plot then I'm struggling.

- Long or Short Books? Somewhere in between? Most of the books I read average from 300 - 500 pages.

- Long or Short Chapters? Either.

- Name The First Three Books You Think Of... Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, Sleeping Beauties & Wonder

- Books That Makes You Laugh or Cry? Would rather laugh than cry.

- Our World or Fictional Worlds? Fictional please I like the escapism

- Audiobooks: Yes or No? I would have to say no for now. Tried them a couple of times & end up spacing out after a couple of minutes.

- Do You Ever Judge a Book by its Cover? I try not to but sometimes the covers are just that bad...

- Book to Movie or Book to TV Adaptations? After the adaptations I've personally seen would have to be book to TV.

- A Movie or TV-Show You Preferred to its Book? Pass.

- Series or Standalones? Standalones.

I tag whoever wants to do it!


  1. I prefer physical books too. And I love hardcovers because I keep books forever. My paperbacks tend to fall apart with repeated readings. I’m getting better with audiobooks. I still space out, but not as often as I used to.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Yeah I'm like that with the audiobooks, I will keep trying though, hopefully one day I'll find one that will break that barrier of spacing out.
