Sunday 9 February 2020

#SixforSunday - Blog Love

This week on Six for Sunday I'm telling you six reasons why I love blogging!

1. It's somewhere I can be in control.
I like having a space that I can post about what I want when I want.

2. I can be as creative or uncreative as I like.
I must say I'm not the most creative person graphics wise. My young daughter helps me out from time to time when I want to try something new & I'm getting better. But I also like having the freedom of being able to post something simple or something I have spent some time on creating.

3. Can share my views in depth.
Yes Twitter is good but I like how I can share my view to it's fullest without a limit on how many characters I can type.

4. Can shout about the underrated books I love
I will admit that I am guilty of giving into buying all the hyped up books. But not so much recently as I also enjoy reading all the books & backlist ones too that not many people are shouting about. Thus giving everyone who reads my post an opportunity to discover what I would see as a hidden treasure of the book world.

5. Get to talk to other bookish people.
I love the fact that I can write a post and that people can interact & I get to talk to other bookish people on a more intimate level. I say this as on social media it can seem cluttered if that's the right word with other people commenting at the same time.

6. Some me time.
Lastly I love my wee blog as it gives me some me time away from my busy mum schedule to just sit & write about my other kids aka books!

If your a fellow blogger, what are your reasons for loving what you do?

If not a blogger just think of the possibilities of what you could create!


  1. OH my gosh I have all the same reasons for loving blogging too. My work isn't that creative and I need an outlet shouting and gushing about books really help.

    1. Sorry for the late reply! Yeah am with you on that one, I don't have many book people around me either so I have my blog & Twitter to keep me sane lol.
