Wednesday 5 February 2020

WWW Wednesday

This weekly meme is hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words.

The 3 W's are as follows -

  • What are you currently reading?
  • What have you recently finished?
  • What do you think you'll read next?


Currently Reading -

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine. To say this book is not what I imagined would be an understatement! I went into it thinking it was about mental health & in someways it is but I never expected to be pretty much belly laughing every other page at Eleanor & her antics.

Recently Finished -

Outlander. 2nd time reading this book & it was just as good if not even better than the first time. Even though I had seen the TV series based on the books I still find the book to be slightly different & enjoyed it more. You can find my review here.

Next read -

I plan on continuing the Outlander series with Dragonfly in Amber which is a bit daunting as slightly longer than the first book, yet I'm sure once I get a couple of chapters under my belt I'll be fine.

What are your 3 W's for this week? Let me know down in the comments ↓


  1. Oooh, Eleanor! I've been seeing it around for some time but kind of expect it not to be my type of thing? I'm glad you're enjoying it!

    I'm currently reading several books at the same time *facepalms* none of which actually is part of my February TBR *facepalms x 2*. The one I'm enjoying the most is My Summer of Love and Misfortune. I've just finished reading Bright Young Things (which I've found to be terrible), and plan on reading Simon vs. next!

    1. What type of books do you usually go for?

      I like the sound of My Summer of Love & Misfortune, good job am on a book buying ban otherwise I'd have just ordered it lol. I read Simon vs a while ago & enjoyed it just wasn't my thing at the time. Will have to re-read it in future.

  2. Currently: A Darker Shade of Magic and Warrior of the Wild.

    Finished recently: a romance I hated ��

    Reading next: audiobook will be Stargirl and physical will be The Shadows Between Us.

    1. Tried reading A Darker Shade of Magic before. Think I got 3 pages in & just wasn't feeling it, will try again in future though.

      Stargirl sounds so good! Can't wait to see what you think of it.

  3. Been only hearing good things about Eleanor Oliphant! <3

    1. Yeah I can vouch that it is good, meant to start another book to read along with it yesterday & I just can't bring myself to stray from Eleanor lol.

  4. I keep seeing Elanor everywhere. I think I need to pick it up.

  5. I really need to read Outlander one of these years!

    1. I've been saying that about most of the books on my shelves, hence why this year I'm on a book buying ban.
