Wednesday, 11 September 2019

My Bookshelf Tag

Happy Hump Day everyone!

Got a few blog post in the works but life is kinda getting in the way of finishing them so gonna do another tag… welcome to my bookshelf!

Describe your bookshelf & where you got it from.
I have 2 of the Billy bookcases from Ikea 1 of the tall then a half size one. Plus another one donated by a good friend no idea where it’s from.

How do you organise your books?
I organise them alphabetically by author & then by date published on my Billy bookcases then the donated one is my TBR bookcase. Which is a couple of shelves for ones I want to read but don’t know when & my other shelves are my TBR for that month.

What’s the longest book on your shelf?
That would be IT by Stephen King, thought it was The Stand but mine is the cut version.

What’s the shortest book on your shelf?
The shortest would be The Ice Dragon by G.R.R Martin.

Is there a book from a friend on your shelf?
I have a good few from my friend Lynda who kindly donated me my TBR bookcase & a few from my Mum & Dad.

The most expensive book on your shelf?
Haven’t a clue most of my hardbacks cost £20 don’t think I’ve ever paid more than that.

The last book you read on your shelf?
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black.

Do you have a complete series?
A few. I have all the Harry Potters, GoT, Mr. Mercedes, Queen of the Tearling, Illuminae, Court of Thorns & Roses, The Mortal Instruments, It Girl & Caraval.

What’s the newest addition to your shelf?
Darkdawn by Jay Kristoff that I can’t wait to read.

The oldest book on your shelf?
That would be my copy of Stephen King’s The Stand.

What’s a book you’d hate to let out your sight? (A.K.A no one is touching it. Ever!)
My illustrated edition of Game of Thrones that the husband bought me, though am kind of protective of all my books… they are my babies!

Most pristine book?
Most of them are as haven’t read them or when I have then am extremely careful with them.

A book that doesn’t belong to you?
Currently have a couple of my Mum’s books & one of my Dad’s that I’ve had since Christmas but still haven’t read yet.

A book that is your favorite color?
I don't really have a favorite color as it changes all the time but I love the cover of The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon.

A book that’s been on your shelf the longest & you still haven’t read it?
That’s a hard one there’s a few would probably be the Passenger duology by Alexandra Bracken.

Of all the books on your shelf, which was the first you read?
Would be the Harry Potter series, I haven’t read my copies as only had them a couple of years.

Any signed books?
A lot of my hardbacks are signed as I’m subscribed to Fairyloot & always looking out for signed preorders of my favourite authors.

& that rounds up my bookshelf tag. I only included the physical books I owned this time. May do another just for my Kindle bookshelf in the future.

Hope you enjoyed & if you want to talk books with me then you can catch me on Twitter @kymisan… until next time byeeeee!

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